Friday, July 10, 2009

The Celestine Prophecy Part 1

So I just finished the book "The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide". It's not an actual novel, instead its a study guide of the book. Why? Because I'm not so interested in a story, but for its content. In fact, I found myself skimming through the book for its concepts than actually reading it, also I wanted more depth to the content.

What is this book about? Well the book talks about the development of 9 insights towards a spiritual revolution in our culture. I'm not going to discuss all the insights.

A good way to start is to look at our historical context. Our knowledge about our past is not just an archive about events, technology, or important people. However, those elements are manifestations of our past worldviews. During mediaeval times, every aspect of life -from earthquakes to successful crop growth- was defined either as the will of God or the malice of the devil. There was no concept of disease, geological forces, or weather. Life is about passing a spiritual test. Only the leadership from the churchmen interpret the scriptures and to tell you every step of the way whether you act according to the will of God or your tricked by the devil. During the 14th to 19th century, the prevalence of corruption , the break of papal Christianity, and the development of science began to draw more people into a more secular security. Thus, the medieval worldview began to fall apart.  During the 18th century, a secular worldview became dominate. Scientific materialism began to replace the old church-ruled idea about life.We lost our certainty from the church, but we can replace it with a faith in science. A new call of action is now based on our freedom to take life in on our own intelligence and knowledge.  The more we mapped and defined our universe, the more we repress any idea that reminds us of the mystery of life. Any religious idea began to be minimized to a social occasion or even a taboo. In order to keep this pattern sustainable, we had to narrow our awareness to only the material and dismiss anything that cannot be explained beyond that.

We began to wake up. The ideas of Physics began to shift the materialistic views to a universe that is not materialistic at all. Instead, its a pattern of energy systems where time can be speed up or slowed down. Now there are theories where particles can exist in two different places at the same time! Furthermore, other sciences began the awareness of the ecological damage resulting from the exploitation of earth. Socially we have awaken to a higher dimension of life. In the 1960's, we begin to address towards prejudice and inequality. Approaches towards a human-centered approach is more expanded in psychotherapy.  The New Age movement on experimenting on various spiritual approaches, which drawn people to more spiritual substance than social occasions. 

What can we learn from this knowledge? It displays a snippet timeline of our reconnection  to our universal consciousness. Our worldview is constantly evolving and in order to thrive , a critical mass of people must open to our intuition towards the spirit. This mourning I was listening to Thom Hartmann and he had a very interesting comment about why personal change does not equal political change. Can we save the planet by shopping with tote bags and driving a prius? What if everybody did what Al Gore said - like inflate your tires, drive less, etc-, we will only see a 22% carbon emission reduction. We are still screwed unless we do something worldwide. Just yesterday, during the G8 summit meeting, China and India refuse to agree to new environment regulations. There is no way for everyone to participate. My point it to not point fingers, but to see the ground of our behaviors. In parallel to the topic discuss before, its our culture. The problem is not overpopulation or a carbon-based society. They are all real symptoms of the problem. The problem is our culture that worships growth and that corporations should have the more rights as a human being. Hierarchy and dominance is more important than cooperation. That type of culture will screw things up.